Should I Clean My Carpet Or Get Rid of It?
At some point, a critical question everyone with a carpet should ask themselves is, “Should I clean my carpet or get rid of it?” In this post, we will go over the important things to know when considering whether to clean your carpet or just chuck it.
Should I Clean My Carpet Or Just Chuck It? When Is Cleaning Your Carpet Not Worth It Anymore?
Carpet doesn’t last forever, and when it starts to look like it has seen better days, you have to ask yourself whether cleaning it is worth the cost. However, this isn’t like deciding to buy a new pair of shoes because the old ones are falling apart. Ripping out your old carpet and purchasing and installing new carpet is not easy nor inexpensive. Replacing your carpet could cost thousands of dollars. It is a significant decision with many factors that have to be considered.
This article will dive into some factors that will help you decide whether to have your carpet cleaned or just get rid of it. And if you’re considering having carpets professionally cleaned, consider Carter’s Carpet Restoration. They are located in El Dorado Hills California at address 4911 Windplay Dr #1A, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762. Carter’s Carpet Restoration provides a range of carpet and floor cleaning services. Take a look at the areas they serve as well as their range of services.
Here’s When You Should Just Get Rid of Your Carpet
If stains run too deep or the cause of the stain is hazardous, it is best to pull up the carpet, safely dispose of it, and start again.
Here are the signs that you should get rid of your carpet.
- It’s Been Damaged by Floodwaters: There are a few factors that must be taken into consideration when dealing with floodwaters, such as if the flood was from a clean water line, a dirty sewage line, or rainwater. Your carpet may be saved if the flood is cleaned up within 48 hours and has come from clean water. Otherwise, the rug will be beyond cleaning.
- It Has Mold: If your carpets have mold in them, there is not much hope in cleaning them. Look for circular brown, green, or black stains.
- It’s Contaminated With Biohazards: Some things cannot be cleaned from carpet, and it would be best if the rug gets thrown away. Such contaminants include chemical spills, toxic irritants, blood, tear gas, and decomposing animal carcasses. Call a professional to dispose of the carpet or wear protective gear, including gloves and a facemask, to get rid of the rug.
- Even After Professional Carpet Cleaning, the Stain Remains: While professional cleaning services are good at what they do, some things won’t come out of carpets, forcing you to throw them away.
While no one wants to throw away their carpet if they don’t have to, sometimes it is the only option. Again, depending on the severity and toxicity of the spill or stain, take appropriate safety precautions to dispose of the carpet.
What Kind of Carpet Should You Get To Replace the Old One?
You’ll have to pick out a replacement carpet now that you’re getting rid of your old one. To not repeat the previous carpet experience, your best bet is to look for a high-quality, stain-resistant carpet. You can read this post to learn about 6 different types of carpet before you start your search! We know it’ll be helpful.
Carpet is like anything else; you get what you pay for. You can save yourself money and hassle by investing in a good quality carpet that can be cleaned more easily.
Here’s When You Should Clean Your Carpet
Many people instantly think they should throw away their perfectly-good carpet as soon as they spill something on it. Or perhaps they take a look at their dingy, dirty rug one day and surmise that it’s beyond repair.
However, a good, thorough cleaning might just be the ticket to revitalize your carpet and make it look, feel, and smell like new again. Here are the criteria for deciding to clean your carpet and not throw it away:
- The Stains Are Superficial: If your carpet has stains on the surface of your carpet and not deep down into the fibers, it can be cleaned.
- It’s Not Flood-Damaged: Once floodwaters have damaged a carpet, there is little chance it can be saved. Floodwaters are filthy and contain many toxic elements that cannot be washed out of the rug.
- It Doesn’t Contain Biohazards: If your carpet contains mold, harmful bacteria, allergens, or other biohazards, it might be beyond cleaning and dangerous to keep inside. Some items that get spilled on carpets are too toxic to justify keeping the rug. Consult a professional cleaning service if you are unsure of your carpet’s contaminants.
- They Haven’t Been Cleaned in Over a Year: You might be surprised by the results of professional carpet cleaning if you haven’t cleaned your carpets in a while. Start by giving a professional carpet cleaning service a shot at cleaning your carpets before deciding to throw them away.
Your carpet may be worth saving if the above criteria are met. Even if club soda and vinegar don’t seem to be working for you, a professional carpet cleaning service has much more to offer.
Professional carpet cleaning services have incredible technology and cleaning products. They can get stains out of a carpet that may seem impossible by your standards. So before you decide to give that stained rug the old heave-ho, see what a professional carpet cleaning service can do. You might be pleasantly surprised.
How Often Should You Get Your Carpets Cleaned by Professionals?
According to HuffPost, it is recommended you have your carpets cleaned by a professional carpet cleaning company at least every 12 to 18 months, depending on foot traffic, pets, air quality, etc.
Regular upkeep and cleaning of your carpets will ensure they last as long as possible. Having your carpets cleaned at least once a year also means there won’t be any massive, long-term-build-up problems that could cost more to clean.
Conclusion: Should I Clean My Carpet Or Just Get Rid Of It?
Many factors come into play when deciding whether to get rid of your carpet or have it cleaned. Professional carpet cleaning services can do wonders for your carpet with various chemical cleaning solutions and technology.
If you don’t want to spend the money to replace your carpet, professional carpet cleaning is an excellent option. Furthermore, having your carpet cleaned by professionals at least once a year will ensure your carpets last longer.
Deciding when to clean your carpet and when to throw it away can be tricky and should not be taken lightly. New carpet is expensive and time-consuming to install, whether you do it yourself or have it professionally installed. Some factors could decide for you (the carpet is heavily contaminated, for example). Consider the ideas explored in this article when choosing if you should clean your carpet or just get rid of it.