Winter seems to have arrived, and it’s probably the hardest time of year to keep the dirt and mud outside. There’s no doubt they will find their way indoors. Here are a few simple tips to follow if you find yourself with some muddy footprints on carpet.
First, remove the larger pieces of mud and soil from the surface of the carpet.
The next step is probably the hardest. Just walk away from the muddy footprints on carpet. Let the mud dry so it becomes soil and dirt on the surface of the carpet. Once dry, vacuum up as much of the soil from the surface of the carpet. NOTE: The carpet must be 100% dry! Otherwise, you will just be spreading mud around. Vacuum SLOWLY. Let the vacuum do it’s job. The more dry soil you can remove with the vacuum, the easier the next step will be.
Now, your carpet should be dry and the majority of the soil, mud, and dirt removed from the surface of the carpet.
The final step is to spot and blot the muddy footprints on carpet. Get a spray bottle, fill it with 1/2 cup of white vinegar and 1/2 cup cold water. Spray this solution directly on the remaining muddy footprints on carpet. Next – using a clean, white, cotton towel – cover the area you just sprayed and stand on it. Standing on the spot applies direct pressure, more than you can apply with your hands. Repeat this step 3 to 5 times, depending upon your results. The soil should begin lifting right away.
A word of caution: There are some soils that are more prone to causing permanent staining based on the minerals they contain. Red clay, for example. If you live in an area with highly colored soil, please consult your local carpet cleaner for professional advice.