Common Carpet Cleaning Mistakes
Here are three simple ways to avoid the most common carpet cleaning mistakes. Spot cleaning carpet is something we all deal with from time to time. From animal accidents to coffee spills to whatever, your carpet can certainly take a beating. There are a variety of different methods used to remove common spills and stains, but there are things you should NEVER do when cleaning your carpet.
Think you know what NOT to clean your carpet with? Take a look at the products below. What would you use to clean your carpet? What would you avoid?
Number One: Don’t use an “Over The Counter” carpet cleaner! Generally speaking, you should avoid products marketed as “carpet cleaning” foam, spray, or cleanser. These products typically leave a residue in your carpet. The residue will eventually attract soil and dust, leaving you with a brown spot in an area that you thought was clean. Soap is designed to attract soil and then be washed away with water. When you use an OTC cleaner, you’re not able to properly wash it away so the soap stays on your carpet fiber, and continues to do it’s job of attracting soil. Make sense? Check out this link for safe at-home spot removal.
Number Two: Don’t use a colored towel! When you use a towel or rag that contains color, you run the risk of the color bleeding onto your carpet fibers. This is called color transfer. For example, do not ever use a red rag on light carpet. Always use a white, cotton towel or white paper towels to do the dirty work.
Number Three: Don’t rub! Just blot. This simple rule is so hard to follow and it is probably one of the biggest common carpet cleaning mistakes. We are taught that scrubbing is the best way to clean things, right? With carpet, it’s just the opposite. Scrubbing your carpet will spread the spill or soil around, creating a bigger mess. BLOT. Don’t rub. Need more pressure when you’re blotting? Stand on it. The pressure helps to transfer the soil or spill to the towel you are cleaning with.
Spills happen. If you know what NOT to do your carpet will live a happier life.