There’s nothing like clean carpet. It makes your whole home feel good. Obviously, you want your carpet looking and feeling good for as long as possible – it’s a reflection of you and your home. Below are three carpet care tips that will keep your carpet in the best condition possible. If your floors don’t feel clean, the house doesn’t feel clean. Use these easy carpet care tips to help maintain your carpet.
The first carpet care tip is simple, vacuum regularly. At least once a week give your carpet a good, slow vacuum. Don’t rush. Go slow and let the vacuum do it’s job. Besides making the carpet appear clean, vacuuming removes dry soils that you don’t even see. This dry soil is abrasive and sharp. When agitated with foot traffic or other stimulation (like kids or pets rolling on the floor) the abrasive pieces of soil begin to cut and tear at the carpet fibers. You certainly can’t see this happening but over time carpet can begin to breakdown. This is called wear and it is not reversible with cleaning. Your best bet is to vacuum on a regular basis.
Carpet care tip number two: Do not use “over the counter” carpet spot cleaners. Most cleaners have a detergent in them and when applied to carpet for spot removal, some of that detergent remains on the carpet fiber. No matter how hard you blot (remember no scrubbing), you can’t remove all the detergent. This detergent is sticky and will slowly attract dust and dander, eventually leaving you with a dark brown spot on your carpet. No thanks. Your best bet is to use a mixture of white vinegar and water to clean up spills and pet accidents. The vinegar is a natural cleaner and will not leave a residue on your carpet fibers. For more carpet care tips, check out this blog post about removing stains with safe and simple household products.
Final carpet care tip is to have your carpets professionally cleaned once a year. Remember that even if your carpet looks clean, it’s still holding onto dry soil, dander, and dust. Cleaning your carpet before it looks dirty is probably one of the best things you can do for your home. You’ll extend the life of your carpet and avoid unnecessary carpet wear. To help determine how often you should invest in a professional carpet cleaning check out this blog post. There are several types of professional carpet cleaning methods available. Most carpet manufactures recommend a hot-water extraction or a “steam cleaning”. Do some research on which type of cleaning is the best for you.
Just remember the best carpet care tips involve three simple things. Vacuum regularly, avoid “over the counter” carpet spot removers, and invest in a professional carpet cleaning. Your carpet isn’t something you think of caring for on a regular basis, but if you follow these carpet care tips, your home will thank you.