Think you know what the best spot remover for carpet is? The answer may surprise you!
When you ask an expert, they’ll always tell you that proper spot treatment depends on what caused the spot in the first place. This is true, but sometimes you don’t always know – especially with kids and pets in the home. When in doubt, try Multi-Surface Windex as a spot remover. This all purpose cleaner is (one of) the best spot remover for carpet. Surprising, right! Please note, it MUST be the clear Windex cleaner! If you use a colored Windex cleaner on your carpet it may permanently stain the fibers.
As experts, we tend to think the less you add to your carpet the better. Always try water first. 90% of the time, water and a clean cotton towel will remove spills when they happen.
TIP – Add a little water to the spot and blot. Try standing on the towel when you are cleaning. Use your body weight to apply pressure and help the towel absorb the spill.
If water isn’t doing it for you, grab the best spot remover for carpet – clear Multi-Surface Windex. Same technique applies. Spray the spot, blot by standing on the towel. This added pressure is really key in removing more moisture and more of the spill.
Vinegar is also a fantastic spot remover for carpet. Keep a spray bottle with a 50/50 mix of white vinegar and water on hand for household cleaning. Again, same technique applies. Spray the area that you’re cleaning and blot by standing on the carpet.
TIP Avoid rubbing the carpet. Rubbing can grind soil deeper into the carpet.
You’ve heard this before, and you’ll read it time and time again on this blog. Stay away from over the counter carpet cleaning products! The problem with these cleaners is that they are typically soap based. And you (as a homeowner) can’t rinse all the soap out. Initially, the spot you’re treating will appear to disappear. In reality, all you’ve done is cover it up. The soap stays on the carpet fiber and eventually begins to attract soil, dust, and dander. You wind up with a dark spot and a lot of soap in your carpet.
If you have a specific question on spot removal, give us a call. We’re happy to offer advice! 916-933-7807